Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sport of Kings

Since the weekend is all wrapped up in news of the  Royal Wedding, the trappings of a fairytale and the castles and coaches of a London Royal Wedding Extravaganza, I thought it fitting to bring you a glimpse at a favorite Royal Sport!


That was a match between England and New Zealand the last Chukker or quarter.

 What could this have to do with  Holiday Hill Day Camp?

  Not far from camp the University of Connecticut has a fine Polo team where you can watch live polo matches when in season!

Then we could bring a polo styled game to camp in another form... watch this:


Now for a newer field another polo - Bike Polo!


This summer what Polo will you try?  Looks like FUN!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring is Sprung

A funny little rhyme we  Blog Elves learned as children, it goes:

Spring is Sprung
The grass is riz
I wonder where
The Campers is?

Looked behind the wood pile....................not there!

Went out late at night ................... not there

Looked all over the woods both up hill and down...........not here

I asked Rapunzel when I passed by her tower, she was sitting out spinning that day ......Rapunzel, Rapunzel have you seen any campers?  Neither she or that cousin of mine Rumplestiltskin had seen a one!

Then I went to the web for Holiday Hill Day Camp and there were all the campers! Until summer rolls around  I will have to get by with the pictures of campers. I can't wait for the day when the woods fills with laughter!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Guitar Music Gets Holiday Hill Day Camp Going

What would a day at Holiday Hill Day Camp in beautiful Mansfield CT. be like without a little music to get the day going!

Did you ever wonder just how all those guitars get made. Blog Elf found a video that shows you how.

Once a guitar is built it is time to play, play, play  and at camp sing, sing, sing....I'll be listening for you!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A World Without Art - Not At Holiday Hill Day Camp Mansfield CT.


Check out this blog below on the arts and a video made by high school students. When their art program was threatened with cuts they responded in video. The videography and editing are an art themselves. Bravo to all who incorporate arts in living every day!

Karen Chace - Catch the Story Bug!: A World Without Art: "'Art is important. We tend to think it is a luxury, but it gives people deep pleasure because beauty is the personification of hope that..."

Art is alive and well at Holiday Hill Day Camp in Mansfield , CT.  Remember a time without arts is called the DARK AGES!

                            All the ARTS are representedd at Holiday Hill Day Camp in every day  FUN!




Sunday, April 17, 2011

Take Aim and Fire At A Summer of Fun

Robin Hood, The Dark Arrow, Cupid, legends are built around those with a skill for bow and arrow. The keen eye and  steady hand required for a bulls eye take practice and  then more practice. That is something you can get this summer at Holiday Hill Day Camp.  The classic bow and arrow is a fun sport and  practicing and making that first bulls eye a moment to savor for years to come.
                                                                                     The Long Bow has been around for centuries. The history of the world is filled with wars fought by bow and conquests  for the steady hand. Stop to think just where did all those bows and arrows come from. Certainly not a trip to a local store! Here is a project for you to  consider.
Come out to camp this summer and  master the skills required in archery. You too could become a legend with the bow and arrow!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Holiday Hill Peep Show

It's all the Rage a Peep Show Diorama

The Washington Post has been  host of an annual Peep Show contest and the crafty  peeps in the greater Washington area have made hundreds of Peep Presentations, my favorite was Goodnight Peep based on the children's book Goodnight Moon.


Make a Peep Show Diorama of an adventure at Holiday Hill Day Camp and send us a picture to  we will post a picture of our favorite Holiday Hill Day Camp peeps

Holiday Hill Day Camp Peeps on a Hike
   Come on you can be more creative than this give it a try,
send us your peeps!                                                         

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring At Holiday Hill Day Camp

What are the signs of Spring at Holiday Hill  Day Camp?

Registrations in the mail

flowers where snow piles once were

birds singing

green baseball fields

leaves on the Mulberry tree

the green stripe tent

3 tipis

We hope you are one of the signs of summer!

Friday, April 8, 2011

How To Make a Water Balloon Launcher for Camp Games

When it comes to inventing a new toy or game campers sure know how to have fun. If we made these water balloon launchers how many games could we play with them?  Ideas can be posted in comments section .

Here is the first idea:

Water Balloon Volleyball

Each team has one launcher and sends a balloon over when its their serve. The other team catches the balloon it becomes their serve returning the balloon until it explodes in a splash.

 So now think up some more fun water balloon games and send them along in the comments section or in an email to

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Not Just Any Tie-Dye Shirt

Obviously this t-shirt never fell out of a canoe in the Mansfield Hollow. It never  slid into home base at a wiffle ball game. It wasn't thrown on the lawn while its owner was swiming. The t-shirt is just a t-shirt until it gets to go out and play and soak up all the memories. Not just any tie-dye shirt can be a Holiday Hill Day Camp shirt, they have to experience it!

 You can go all natural and  try some tie-dye with juices. The colors are softer but  for once getting grape juice on your shirt isn't a problem!

                           Here is how to make a tie-dye peace sign that's what the world needs now!

                            Go for the whole look you can make Holiday Hill Day Camp tie-dye socks



He he he! Tie -Dyed all those words too!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Holiday Hill Day Camp Critters Out

You could smell the spring on the evening air. The critters have just  recently  come out to see if winter has truly left Holiday Hill Day Camp. 
listen for the piercing call of the Red Tail Hawk
                                               But when night comes...beware the little stinkers

                     Besides a prank the most fun you could have is  a session or two at Holiday Hill Day Camp
                                                             or call us at 860-423-1375