Friday, August 5, 2011

High Ropes Course - Rise to the Challenge!

Holiday Hill Day Camp in Mansfield Connecticut is home to an outstanding ropes course.  We have the low course and a high course.

 Our trained staff see  that each camper  or corporate team ropes course experience is safe and challenging. Success is measured in going further than you thought and teamwork and trust are the most important tools.

The Ropes Course at Holiday Hill Day Camp / Holiday Recreation in Mansfield, Connecticut was built by  Pro Image and Associates  of Indiana, check out their link at

Ropes Courses build confidence and team player cooperation


Schools, church groups, sporting teams, professional companies, emergency response groups, college students, executives and business staff groups all benefit by time spent mastering the cooperative team effort to conquer the ropes course.
Find out what dates are available for your group to come  explore the power in the tree tops       860-423-1375
                  Our staff are trained and certified in ropes course - you are in good hands!


There is no experience that compares to the High Ropes Course at Holiday Hill Day Camp

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Memories For Sale

Imagine mid-winter and you open your drawer to get dressed... in a second you are swept up in memories of the perfect summer day at Holiday Hill Day Camp
 in Mansfield, Connecticut.

The Camp Store has lots of memory involing items ready for you. Long after today's popsicle is forgotten, the tie-dye camp shirt, the staff shirt, the singing bird doll and friendship bracelets will help you remember those summer days.

Did you master a new swimming level, walk among the tree tops on the ropes course, hit a bull's eye in archery? Those are great moments from camp. That feeling of being on top of the world will be with you whenever you think of camp and all you accomplished there.
What we really have after the all important ice cream and popsicles is lasting memories!
             Did you make a new best friend this summer?  Matching shirts will help you remember them until you can meet up again at camp.

                Keep hydrated this August with the water bottles available in the camp store.

                                         What color makes your memory come to life?

                                                                          Stop by soon!