Snow Queen is out of Control this year and if it is starting to feel like your house full of kids on yet another snow day is out of control,
here are three things to do on a snowday !
1.) Above are video directions to
make a paper star , these would be really nice in a window, as a mobile, tucked in an envelope and mailed to a friend, or used to reward a super star student!
2.) RAOK
Random Act of Kindness
I hope everyone will keep an eye out for the chance to do this! It is so much fun. Sneak out early and clear snow from someone's car windows, shovel a walk for a neighbor. Mail a "Thinking of You" card to a shut in. Send a letter to a soldier stationed overseas. Need more ideas, bring someone a pot of flowers, leave cookies by the company water cooler (buy Girl Scout cookies and leave them a double good deed) Want your deed to help the animal world? Take a pound dog for a nice walk, leave a bag of pet food off at the pound after you go shopping, put out bird seed, invite neighbor children over to make pinecone bird feeders and take them to a park to hang up.
3.) Go to and sign up for camp this season. Warm thoughts and summer planning will make a snow day seem well spent. Only 6 days left in the first
Early Bird Discount. period (Jan. 31) You can change sessions later if your plans change, but get your first choice now while we have choices. All the choices are on the website but here is the list so you can think about them right now:
April Vacation Camp April 18-22
June Mini Camp June 20-24
Session 1 June 27-July 8
Session 2 July 11-22
Session 3 July 25-August 5
Session 4 August 8-19
August Mini Camp August 22-26
Need a Happy Thought?
Family Pool Memberships June6-Aug 28
Now that's a great reason to sign in on website - sign your family up and spend a snowy afternoon bathing suit shopping on line, in a catalog, or at the store!